Discontinuation of Coburg West Primary School Greek Language Program


I am troubled by the announcement that Coburg West Primary School will be discontinuing its Greek Language Program as of the 2019 school year.

Coburg West Primary School is within my electorate of Wills, which has a Greek-speaking population of 4.5%, as compared with a Victorian average of 1.9%, according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Greek language classes have been offered for most of Coburg West Primary School’s 101 year history. I understand the decision to discontinue the program has upset many parents and the broader Greek community.

I have requested a meeting with the school principal, Mr Mark Colagrande, to discuss the matter and will advocate in support of Greek language services remaining available to students.

If parents at the school would like to raise the matter with me directly, please contact my office on (03) 9350 5777 or via email Peter.Khalil.MP@aph.gov.au