Peter Khalil MP Moves Motion to Establish Community Sponsored Refugee Program at ALP National Conference


Peter Khalil, the Federal Member for Wills, has moved a motion at the Australian Labor Party National Conference for the establishment of a Community Sponsored Refugee Program. The motion was passed by delegates at the conference.

The program will allow local community organisations to sponsor humanitarian entrants into Australia and allow an additional 5,000 refugees to re-settle in Australia on-top of Federal Labor’s commitment to an already expanded Labor Government funded intake.

The proposal would establish a program similar to the successful program run in Canada.

“This motion is about Labor empowering ordinary Australians to make an extraordinary and selfless commitment to lend their helping hand to vulnerable refugees seeking peace and security,” said Mr Khalil.

“Labor in Government has and can make a positive difference to so many vulnerable refugees that seek safety and security. That is what this motion does.”